Welcoming Seasonal Staff
Pre Seeding Jan - Mar
In January February and March we tend to rotate through our breaks whilst also carrying out Farm Projects. This is our quieter time of the year.
Harvest is finished but there is still tidying up to do . Machines away, seed to be cleaned and stored safely in silos, livestock to be fed and water depending on the year and projects to be done.
If you join us during this time, we could be busy fencing, scooping dams, taking rams in or out of mobs of ewes, loading sheep onto trucks and moving them around. The work is in the hotter months of the year but we start early and often have the middle of the day as a break to combat the weather. March builds up to having all the equipment serviced and ready for seeding. The pace is not as frantic though and there is always time for relaxing with a BBQ by the pool after a days work.
Seeding (Planting) Apr - Jun
This is an exciting time on the farm. The ewes are heavily pregnant, hopefully some early rains are changing the landscape from brown to green and we have all the inputs ready on farm to begin our seedng program.
We will start with any pasture seed that needs to be sown first. Our equipment is modern and unique - using two seeding boxes in tandem which means we can travel for longer without needing to refill. Shifts are long and a new rhythm is found on the farm as we work to have all the crops planted by the end of May. Before long it is June and lambs are arriving which is a busy time. of checking twice a day for 4 weeks - and of course caring for any orphans.
Pre Harvest July - Sept
From July until September we are busy monitoring crops and the new lambs.
At this stage our shearing shed will be in full swing caring for any orphan lambs that we find. An automated feeding system is in place. Crops are montitored for pests and diseases and any additional fertiliser may be required. New lambs are marked and by September are big enough to live on their own so we can give our ewes a well deserved rest on high protein pastures. It is a time of spring and Field days, and the buzz of shearing. An exciting time as the weather starts to warm up again and the crops and pastures grow faster.
Harvest Oct - Dec
In October we are now focused on getting all equipment ready to start for the last week in October. Machines start to role back in and extra staff are welcomed on board and shown the ropes.
By November Harvest has started and we finally get to see the quality and quantity of the grain on hand. It is a rewarding time to see plants once seedlings providing tons of grain which will be eventually distributed across the globe.