Our Farm Business
Quality Grain Production
Our business is a mixed enterprise farming system. We crop marjority of the farm whilst rotate a third of the land through a fallow phase every three years. Whereby legume pastures (which enhance soil health and nutrition) regenerate and support our livestock enterprise for 12mths. This mixed system works well for our area and we have noted improved grain quality where we have strong legume systems in place.
Our main produce is Barley - we are striving to meet the highest quality of barley which is Malting grade (for alcholic beverages). Barley that does not meet the required size, colour and protein grade, is sold as sheep feed or is retained on farm to support the feedlot enterprise. We also produce high quality Oats which are sun ripened each year. Oats are used for food products such as porridge, snack bars and for nutritious drinks.
Quality Meat, Wool and MPM Merino Production
Our livestock at Karradale have a wonderful life being born in open fields during our Autumn, they enjoy the high protein and energy rich legume pastures across all the farms. This great nutritious start sets them on the right path for successfull lambing and strong growth rates. The livestock system combines well with the grain production to offer synergies and benefits to both enterprises.
We invest heavily in the newest genetics each October to keep moving our flock and fleece toward the highest quality possible. Our Ram Team Average for Yearling Fat Depth (YFAT) is 1.18 (industry Merino Av 0.12), the Yearling Eye Muscle Depth Average (YEMD) is at 2.03 (Merino Av 0.34). The strength of these meat traits are coming through our commercial ewe flock nicely with DNA Flock Analysis showing higher than average YFAT, YEMD, Post Weaning Weight and Yearling weights. Anecdotely MPM's carcasses have higher intramuscular fat which makes for less shear force during processing and better flavoured meat. Being multipurpose our flocks wool traits are also of high quality and our fleeces sell to clothing manufacturers all around the world. To read more about our sheep enterprise see here.
Premium Legume Pasture Production
We were looking for a pasture system to support our livestock, enhance our farms soil health and crop nutrition, whilst also maximising our animal health and productivity. Acidic soils, some deep sands and low rainfall climate meant we needed a robust product that was cost effective to harvest and maintain. In a 2015 Crop Update we heard Dr Angelo Loi (DPIRD) present on the Serradella Species - and from there we embarked on an incredible journey. In four short years we had established 5500 ha of regenerating legumes across our then 7000ha property. With a further farm purchase in 2019 - we now have just 2500 ha to finish.
In addition - we have consistantly supplied high quality seed of both Serradella and Biserulla to the seed industry.
Proudly Supporting Local and State Businesses of WA
Karradale is one of many West Australian Family owned farms working each year on their farm business. Their success is in part due to the valuable contributions and commitment of many businesses and suppliers to helping us achieve our businesses goals.
We would like to thank all our suppliers and business networks for their commitment to the agricultural industry - please have a look at our key players at Karradale.